Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wrap Up

Well  I have finally finished!  Very glad I did it as I have learnt a great deal.  It took a lot longer for me than the time suggested  - I think because I didn't have much knowledge to start with so had to work out the basics and go from there.

In terms of what I will use, hmmm well -  setting up a blog on our library page would be a start, librarything, podcasts and online videos spring to mind as being the most accessible to me.  I will use Facebook on a personal level and would explore the use for the library down the track.

I think the course has been useful in terms of showing what is out there and what can be done and a sense that there is a library community out there I can contact and I have a feeling they would be willing to assist.

Thank you Mel and Mark for all the work you put in.

Monday, February 21, 2011


This is a bit like bookcrossing where people leave books for others to find - but with different items and possibly harder co-ordinates - I had heard of it but hadn't really thought about it in the context of using it to promote library services.  Having read how some libraries are using it I can see how it could be done  - I quite like the idea of having a cache in your library   But in terms of all the other stuff I have learnt this won't be the first on my list to adopt. 

Out of work might be another matter I am a bit of a fan of the old treasure hunt and if I can incorporate this into the annual easter egg hunt for my children (who are now teenagers but the lure of chocolate has no age barrier) then I will.  


I like podcasts I think they are a great way to listen to stuff you may not usually have access to such as radio talks or lectures that occurred in the eastern states or overseas -  just a great way to access information you might not have been able to in the past.

I think they could be very useful for local history libraries as way to record oral histories and place them online. You could use them to give patrons information on particular authors, how to use particular items in the library or on the website - the key is to keep them succinct and relevant

Monday, February 14, 2011

Online Video

There is so much to view you could use up a lot of time here.  But I can see the uses -   getting information out there on a large variety of things.
I think just doing this course has shown how useful online videos can be and you could use the same principal for your library patrons as a different way to get messages across.
How to videos on how to use the catalogues, where items are in the library or just general videos on storytelling, or information about items in the library - I'm sure the list is endless. 
In this day and age where so much of our information comes via a screen with moving objects I think this is the sort of medium that patrons would embrace.

The video I chose is on an ABC pop up book - I'm a bit of a fan on the pop up - they don't tend to last too long in a library but are very spectacular  while they do!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Hmmmm!  Not sure about this one. I must admit I was pretty ignorant about twitter I thought it was something you had to do through your mobile phone.  I knew famous people did it and thought it was a good tool for people who are clever and witty but that was about all. 

I can see the usefulness for a library to get information out like a talk coming up or something similar -  what I am struggling with is that a person who follows the library tweet their information is then accessible to everyone else who follows it as well - would that stop people signing up or don't people really care about that sort of thing or have I got that wrong.

Not sure this is something I will be embracing as much as some of the other stuff I have learnt during this course.


Becoming part of the Facebook phenomenon is something I have long passively resisted -  apart from peering over my daughter's shoulder to check what she was doing and having friends say to me how can you be a librarian and not been on Facebook I have had little to do with it - the fact has been that I don't go online much when I am not at work. 

Having said that I can see the value that a library could have using it  - keeping people up  to date with what  is going on and as a way to promote the library and it's services.  Also it is interactive in terms of people being able to comment on what you are providing and whether they are happy with it or not and being able to make suggestions about what they would like. 

The list of what we need to add to our library website gets longer.