Friday, December 17, 2010

Sharing Images

Week three of the training - and I'm really struggling (feeling a bit like a dinosaur - one of those ones with a very small brain that plods along) I got a bit bogged down trying to find a random picture in Flickr that I liked and felt I could write about. Then I had to find one I could use.  Finally managed it (yeah!) -  see right. I have got into a bit of walking lately and wanted to show what I get to see on my walks (on occasion). How impressive it that!


  1. Hang in there! You've found a beautitul photo, what an inspiration to get out there and go for a walk : )

  2. If you didn't struggle you wouldn't learn, one more step forward is the only way to get there!

  3. Gorgeous photo. My friend recently took a similar shot down at Albany, would love to see it in real life

  4. the picture is beautiful, keep up the walking

  5. Absolutely beautiful picture - I would love to have that as a poster actually.

  6. I've taken up walking recently too and feel like a giant dinosaur.
